Murakoshi M. Laboratory of Biomechanical Engineering, School of Frontier Engineering, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa Kogyokai-shi 203:2, 2023. (in Japanese)
Murakoshi M. Learn from the mechanics of hearing -From the inner ear tissue to the membrane protein-. Mol Electron & Bioelectron 28:4-8, 2017. (in Japanese)
Murakoshi M and Muraoka T. Molecular technology for membrane functionalization. In: H. Yamamoto and T. Kato (Eds.), Molecular Technology. Life Innovation, Wiley, Weinheim, pp. 183-202, 2018.
Murakoshi M, Suzuki S, Wada H. Coordinated movement of the three rows of outer hair cells is essential for cochlear amplification. In: Karavitaki KD, Corey DP (Eds.), Mechanics of Hearing: Protein to Perception, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, pp. 050004.1-050004.5, 2015.
Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Ishihara K, Iida K, Hamana H, Wada H. Challenges in research on auditory mechanics. In: T. Yamaguchi (Ed.), Nano-Biomedical Engineering 2012, Imperial College Press, London, pp. 15-29, 2012.
Murakoshi M, Zhao F, Wada H. Current developments in the clinical application of the sweep frequency impedance (SFI) in assessing middle ear dysfunction. In: J. Kei and F. Zhao (Eds.), Assessing Middle Ear Function in Infants, Plural Publishing, San Diego, pp. 107-129, 2012.
Murakoshi M, Kawase T, Kumano S, Wada H. Analysis of membrane topology of prestin expressing in CHO cells. In: C.A. Shera and E. S. Olson (Eds.), What Fire is in Mine Ears: Progress in Auditory Biomechanics, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, pp. 168-169, 2011.
Wada H, Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Iida K, Hamana H. High-resolution AFM imaging of prestin purified and reconstituted into an artificial lipid bilayer. In: C.A. Shera and E. S. Olson (Eds.), What Fire is in Mine Ears: Progress in Auditory Biomechanics, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, pp. 185-190, 2011.
Wada H, Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Iida K, Ishihara K, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T. Recovery by salicylate of the plasma membrane expression of prestin mutants. In: C.T. Lim and J.C.H. Goh (Eds.), The 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, IFMBE Proceedings, 31, Springer, Berlin, pp. 1633-1636, 2010.
Wada H, Murakoshi M, Iida K, Kumano S, Ishihara K. Inner ear biomechanics. In: T. Yamaguchi (Ed.), Nano-biomedical engineering 2009, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 29-40, 2009.
Iida K, Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Wada H. Assessment of the activity of purified prestin and the effect of salicylate on prestin-chloride binding studied by isothermal titration calorimetry. In: N.P. Cooper and D. Kemp (Eds.), Concepts and Challenges in The Biophysics of Hearing, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 403-405, 2009.
Kumano S, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Increase in the activity by mutations of the motor protein prestin. In: N.P. Cooper and D. Kemp (Eds.), Concepts and Challenges in The Biophysics of Hearing, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 405-406, 2009.
Wada H, Murakoshi M, Iida K, Kumano S. Topological characterization by atomic force microscopy of prestin in the plasma membrane of prestin-transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells using quantum dots. In: N.P. Cooper and D. Kemp (Eds.), Concepts and Challenges in The Biophysics of Hearing, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 391-392, 2009.
Wada H, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T. Structural analysis of the motor protein prestin. In: H. Wada (Ed.), Biomechanics at Micro- and Nanoscale Levels Vol. IV, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 3-13, 2007.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kitsunai Y, Iida K, Kumano S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Protection of outer hair cells from traumatic noise by conditioning with heat stress. In: M. Esashi, K. Ishii, N. Ohuchi, N. Ohsumi, M. Sato and T. Yamaguchi (Eds.), Future Medical Engineering Based on Bionanotecnology, Imperial College Press, London, pp. 137-144, 2006.
Iida K, Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Generation of stable Chinese hamster ovary cell lines expressing the motor protein prestin. In: M. Esashi, K. Ishii, N. Ohuchi, N. Ohsumi, M. Sato and T. Yamaguchi (Eds.), Future Medical Engineering Based on Bionanotecnology, Imperial College Press, London, pp. 93-101, 2006.
Wada H, Iida K, Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T. Heterogeneous expression of the motor protein prestin of cochlear outer hair cells. In: H. Wada (Eds.), Biomechanics at Micro- and Nanoscale Levels Vol. II, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 3-15, 2006.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Iida K, Kumano S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Heat stress-induced changes in the mechanical properties of mouse outer hair cells. In: A.L. Nuttall, T. Ren, P. Gillespie, K. Grosh and E. de Boer (Eds.), Auditory Mechanisms: Processes and Models_, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 228-230, 2006.
Wada H, Murakoshi M, Iida K, Kumano S, Gomi T, Kimura K, Usukura H, Sugawara M, Kakehata S, Ikeda K, Katori Y, Kobayashi T. Atomic force microscopic imaging of the intra cellular membrane surface of prestin-expressing Chinese hamster ovary cells. In: A.L. Nuttall, T. Ren, P. Gillespie, K. Grosh and E. de Boer (Eds.), Auditory Mechanisms: Processes and Models, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 26-33, 2006.
Wada H, Sugawara M, Kimura K, Ishida Y, Gomi T, Murakoshi M, Katori Y, Kakehata S, Ikeda K, Kobayashi T. Imaging and mechanical properties of guinea pig outer hair cells studied by atomic force microscopy. In: H. Wada (Ed.), Biomechanics at Micro- and Nanoscale Levels Vol. I, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 3-15, 2005.
Wada H, Koike T, Murakoshi M, Yuasa R, Yuasa Y, Honda N, Goode RL. Development of an apparatus for diagnosis of ossicular chain mobility. In: K. Gyo and H. Wada (Eds.), Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 333-339, 2004.
International conference
Toya T, Zhou D, Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M. Identification of conductive hearing loss using a sweep frequency impedance (SFI) meter. Abstract of the 48th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 22-26, 2025, Orlando, Florida, USA, web publication.
Nakagawa H, Teruki T, Nagai R, Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M. Sweep frequency impedance measures of different ear conditions. Proceedings of the 12th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, November 15-18, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p. 88.
Niioka H, Murakoshi M. Development of planar lipid membranes for analysis of an inner-ear motor protein prestin. Proceedings of the 12th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, November 15-18, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p. 7.
Nakagawa H, Toya T, Murakoshi M. Sweep frequency impedance measures of normal middle ear. Proceedings of the 6th Japan-Switzerland Workshop on Biomechanics, August 29-September 1, 2023, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan, p. 38.
Niioka H, Murakoshi M. Analysis of motor protein prestin using a planar lipid membrane. Proceedings of the 6th Japan-Switzerland Workshop on Biomechanics, August 29-September 1, 2023, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan, p. 37.
Toya T, Nakagawa H, Nagai R, Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M. Sweep frequency impedance (SFI) measures of middle ears with ossicular-chain dysfunctions. Proceedings of the 6th Japan-Switzerland Workshop on Biomechanics, August 29-September 1, 2023, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan, p. 70.
Murakoshi M. Can we find conductive hearing loss? Medtech Academy Pitch Day 2022, March 3, 2023, Tokyo.
Murakoshi M, Kanka N, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Chronological changes in the external- and middle-ear dynamics in neonates. Abstract of the 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (APBiomech 2021), December 2-5, 2021, Online from Kyoto, Japan, p. 226.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Effects of rotation of the stereociliary bundles of outer hair cells on the cochlear amplification. Abstract of the 43rd Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, January 25-29, 2020, San Jose, California, USA, p. 397.
Kanka N, Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Investigation of chronological changes in dynamic characteristics of neonatal ears using sweep frequency impedance (SFI) technique. Abstract of the 43rd Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, January 25-29, 2020, San Jose, California, USA, p. 431.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Development of recombinant inner-ear motor protein prestin equipped with affinity tag. Proceedings of the 2019 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference (SB3C 2019), June 25-28, 2019, Seven Springs, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 503-504.
Murakoshi M, Aithal V, Hamanishi S, Kei J, Wada H. Characteristics of the external- and middle-ear dynamics in neonates. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Middle-Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology (MEMRO2018), July 5-9, 2018, Shanghai, China, pp. 113-114.
Kanka N, Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Effects of chronological age on neonatal tympanogram with 226-Hz probe tone. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Middle-Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology (MEMRO2018), July 5-9, 2018, Shanghai, China, pp. 111-112.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Decipherment of the membrane structure of the inner ear motor protein prestin by force spectroscopy. Proceedings of the 5th Switzerland-Japan Workshop on Biomechanics (SJB2017), September 14-17, 2017, Zermatt, Switzerland, p. 11.
Kanka N, Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Dynamic characteristic changing of the external ear canal wall with an increase in neonatal chronological age. Proceedings of the 5th Switzerland-Japan Workshop on Biomechanics (SJB2017), September 14-17, 2017, Zermatt, Switzerland, p. 32.
Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Difference in the dynamic behavior of the hearing apparatus between neonates and adults: the effects on tympanometry. Proceedings of the XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2017) incorporating the 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (AP Biomech 2017), July 23-27, 2017, Brisbane, Australia, p. 610.
Hamanishi S, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Dynamic characteristics of neonatal ear up to 6 kHz using a finite element modeling approach. Proceedings of the XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2017) incorporating the 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (AP Biomech 2017), July 23-27, 2017, Brisbane, Australia, p. 611.
Wada H, Murakoshi M, Aithal V, Kei J, Hamanishi S, Driscoll C, Swanston A. Dynamic characteristics of the outer and middle ears in neonates. Proceedings of the XXXIII World Congress of Audiology, September 18-21, 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Murakoshi M, Kanka N, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Analysis of neonatal tympanometry using SFI data. Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Advances in Biomechanics of Hearing, May 17-20, 2016, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 44-45.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Sound amplification mechanism by three rows of outer hair cells in mammals. Proceedings of the 8th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (AP Biomech 2015), September 16-19, 2015, Sapporo, Japan, p141.
Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Changes in dynamic characteristics of the external ear canal wall during the first 3 months of life. The 7th International Symposium on Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology (MEMRO 2015), July 1-5, 2015, Aalborg, Denmark, p. 39.
Hamanishi S, Murakoshi M, Steele C, Wada H, Puria S. Maturation of the neonatal ear canal: sweep frequency impedance (SFI) and finite element model approaches. The 7th International Symposium on Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology (MEMRO 2015), July 1-5, 2015, Aalborg, Denmark, p. 61.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Topology of prestin expressed in the CHO cell membrane -atomic force microscopy study-. Proceedings of the 2015 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference (SB3C 2015), June 17-20, 2015, Snowbird, Utah, USA, pp. 283-284.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Numerical analysis of the elaborate sound amplification mechanism of the mammalian inner ear. Proceedings of the World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2015, June 7-12, 2015, Toronto, Canada, p. 127.
Hamanishi S, Murakoshi M, Steele C, Wada H, Puria S. A hyprid ear canal and middle ear model approach for neonates. Proceedings of the 38th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 21-25, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp. 69-70.
Murakoshi M, Kawase T, Wada H. Force spectroscopy study on transmembrane structure of the motor protein prestin expressed in the inner ear. Proceedings of the 4th Japan-Switzerland Workshop on Biomechanics, September 1-4, 2014, Shima, Mie, Japan, p. 82.
Wada H, Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Iida K, Hamana H. AFM imaging of the structure of the motor protein prestin purified and reconstituted into an artificial lipid bilayer. Proceedings of the 4th Japan-Switzerland Workshop on Biomechanics, September 1-4, 2014, Shima, Mie, Japan, p. 128.
Murakoshi M, Suzuki S, Wada H. Coordinated movement of three rows of outer hair cells is essential for cochlear amplification. Proceedings of the 12th International Mechanics of Hearing Workshop, June 23-29, 2014, Sounio, Greece, pp. 110-113.
Ogawa Y, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Evaluation of electrophysiological properties of the motor protein prestin expressed in the inner ear. Proceedings of the 6th East Asian Pacific Student Workshop on Nano-Biomedical Engineering, March 23-34, 2013, Singapore, pp. 82-83.
Kitamura T, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Dynamic behavior of the organ of Corti in the basal and apical regions of the guinea pig cochlea: theoretical considerations. Proceedings of the 6th East Asian Pacific Student Workshop on Nano-Biomedical Engineering, March 23-34, 2013, Singapore, pp. 50-51.
Murakoshi M, Kitsunai Y, Yoshida N, Iida K, Kumano S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Protective mechanism of the outer hair cells from traumatic noise by prior whole-body heat stress. Proceedings of the 36th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 16-20, 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, p. 45.
Koyama S, Ikehara Y, Murakoshi M, Hashimoto S, Nishio S, Takumi Y, Usami S, Wada H. Auditory system in knock-in mouse models of Pendred sydrome. Proceedings of the 36th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 16-20, 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, p. 1063.
Wada H, Ishihara K, Okuyama S, Kumano S, Iida K, Hamana H, Murakoshi M, Kobayashi T, Usami S, Ikeda K, Haga Y, Tsumoto K, Nakamura H, Hirasawa N. Restoration by salicylate of transport function and anion exchanger activity of missense pendrin mutations. Proceedings of the 36th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 16-20, 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, p. 1118.
Wada H, Ishihara K, Okuyama S, Kumano S, Iida K, Hamana H, Murakoshi M, Kobayashi T, Usami S, Ikeda K, Haga Y, Tsumoto K, Nakamura H, Hirasawa N. Restoration of transport function and anion exchanger activity of missense pendrin mutations by salicylate. Proceedings of the Inner Ear Biology 2012, September 29-October 2, 2012, Tubingen, Germany, pp. 54-55.
Koyama S, Sato H, Murakoshi M, Kobayashi T, Usami S, Ikeda K, Haga Y, Tsumoto K, Nakamura H, Hirasawa N, Ishihara K, Wada H. Effects of salicylate derivatives on changes in localization of H723R pendrin mutant expressed in cultured cells. Proceedings of the Inner Ear Biology 2012, September 29-October 2, 2012, Tubingen, Germany, pp. 116-117.
Aithal V, Aithal S, Kei J, Driscoll C, Swanston A, Roberts K, Wada H, Murakoshi M. Sweep frequency impedance (SFI) measurements for evaluation of middle ear function in neonates. Proceedings of the 20th ASA Conference, July 1-4, 2012, Adelaide, Australia.
Wada H, Yoshida N, Kiyokawa H, Murakoshi M, Matsutani S, Kobayashi T. Assessment of the dynamic characteristics of the middle ear in neonates using the sweep frequency impedance (SFI) meter. Proceedings of the MEMRO2012, June 27-July 1, 2012, Daegu, Korea, pp. 41-42.
Murakoshi M, Takeda S, Wada H. Dynamic behavior of the neonatal ear canal: theoretical considerations. Proceedings of the MEMRO2012, June 27-July 1, 2012, Daegu, Korea, pp. 58-59.
Wada H, Yoshida N, Kiyokawa H, Murakoshi M, Matsutani S, Kobayashi T. Dynamic characteristics of the middle ear in newborns –study using the sweep frequency impedance (SFI) meter–. Proceedings of the NHS2012, June 5-7, 2012, Cernobbio, Italy, p. 137.
Murakoshi M, Takeda S, Wada H. Analysis of ear-canal dynamics in neonates: theoretical considerations. Proceedings of the NHS2012, June 5-7, 2012, Cernobbio, Italy, p. 136.
Wada H, Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Koyama S. Prestin, the inner ear motor protein-its structure and function. Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium of Tohoku University Global COE Programme Global Nano-Biomedical Engineering Education and Research Network Centre, March 5-6, 2012, Sendai, Japan.
Ikehara Y, Koyama S, Murakoshi M, Ikeda R, Nakaya K, Hashimoto S, Nishio S, Takumi Y, Oshima T, Usami S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Effects of salicylate on sensorineural hearing loss in Pendred syndrome. Proceedings of the 5th East Asian Pacific Student Workshop on Nano-Biomedical Engineering, December 12-14, 2011, Singapore, pp. 134-135.
Yoshida N, Kiyokawa H, Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Matsutani S, Kei J, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Development of a sweep frequency impedance (SFI) meter for diagnosis of middle ear function in neonates. Proceedings of the 5th East Asian Pacific Student Workshop on Nano-Biomedical Engineering, December 12-14, 2011, Singapore, pp. 136-137.
Wada H, Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Iida K, Hamana H. High-resolution AFM imaging of prestin purified and reconstituted into an artificial lipid bilayer. Proceedings of the 11th International Mechanics of Hearing Workshop, July 16-22, 2011, Williamstown, MA, USA, pp. 549-554.
Murakoshi M, Kawase T, Kumano S, Wada H. Analysis of membrane topology of prestin expressing in CHO cells. Proceedings of the 11th International Mechanics of Hearing Workshop, July 16-22, 2011, Williamstown, MA, USA, pp. 533-534.
Wada H, Ishihara K, Koyama S, Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Hamana H. Restoration by salicylate of transport function and anion exchanger activity of pendrin mutants. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of Tohoku University Global COE Programme Global Nano-Biomedical Engineering Education and Research Network Centre, March 22-23, 2011, Sendai, Japan.
Wada H, Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Iida K, Ishihara K, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kobayashi T. Translocation of prestin having mutation in the GTSRH sequence by salicylate. Proceedings of the 47th Inner Ear Biology Workshop, August 29-September 1, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 46.
Murakoshi M, Kawase T, Kumano S, Wada H. Analysis of transmembrane structure of prestin by single molecule force spectroscopy. Proceedings of the 47th Inner Ear Biology Workshop, August 29-September 1, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 44.
Wada H, Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Iida K, Ishihara K, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T. Recovery by salicylate of the plasma membrane expression of prestin mutants. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, August 1-6, 2010, Singapore.
Murakoshi M, Kawase T, Kumano S, Wada H. Single molecule force spectroscopy of the inner-ear motor protein prestin using an atomic force microscope. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, August 1-6, 2010, Singapore.
Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Hamana H, Wada H. High resolution imaging by atomic force microscopy of prestin purified and reconstituted into an artificial lipid bilayer. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual MidWinter Research Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 6-10, 2010, Anaheim, CA, USA , pp. 580.
Murakoshi M, Hamana H, Kumano S, Wada H. Imuune atomic force microscopy of the inner ear motor prestin using Qdots. Proceedings of the SMART-Tohoku GCOE joint Workshop on Micro & Nano Bioengineering: MIT, NUS, NTU and Tohoku, January 11-12, 2010, Singapore, pp. 47-48.
Murakoshi M, Hamana H, Kumano S, Wada H. Atomic force microscopic imaging of the inner ear motor protein prestin using quantum dots. Proceedings of the Watching Biomolecules in Action Symposium & 2nd Kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop, December 14-17, 2009, Osaka, Japan, pp. 42-43.
Wada H, Murakoshi M, Iida K, Kumano S. Understanding of the mammalian auditory system at molecular levels. The 11th International Symposium on Future Medical Engineering Based on Bio-nanotechnology, July 25, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
Kumano S, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Effects of mutations in unique amino acids of prestin on its characteristics. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium of Tohoku University Global COE Programme Global Nano-Biomedical Engineering Education and Research Network Centre, December 5-6, 2008, Singapore.
Murakoshi M, Iida K, Kumano S, Wada H. Topological characterization by atomic force microscopy of prestin in the plasma membrane of prestin-transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells using quantum dots. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on the Mechanics of Hearing, July 27-31, 2008, Keele, UK, pp. 95-96.
Iida K, Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Wada H, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kobayashi T, Kumagai I. Assessment of the activity of purified prestin and the effect of salicylate on prestin-chloride biding studied by isothermal titration calorimetry. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on the Mechanics of Hearing, July 27-31, 2008, Keele, UK, pp. 344-346.
Kumano S, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Wada H, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kobayashi T, Kumagai I. Increase in the activity by mutation of the motor protein prestin. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on the Mechanics of Hearing, July 27-31, 2008, Keele, UK, pp. 347-348.
Murakoshi M, Iida K, Kumano S, Wada H. Immune atomic force microscopy of the plasma membrane of prestin-transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells using quantum dots. Proceedings of the 31st Annual MidWinter Research Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 16-21, 2008, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, p. 671.
Tadenuma T, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Heterologous expression of the outer hair cell motor protein prestin in SF9 cells. Proceedings of the 31st Annual MidWinter Research Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 16-21, 2008, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, p. 670.
Kumano S, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Contribution of the GTSRH sequence to the folding of prestin: refolding of transport-defective prestin mutants by salicylate. Proceedings of the 31st Annual MidWinter Research Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 16-21, 2008, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, p. 137.
Iida K, Tsumoto K, Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Ikeda K, Kobayashi T, Kumagai I, Wada H. Enthalpy measurement of anion binding to the motor protein prestin by isothermal titration calorimetry. Proceedings of the 3rd Tohoku-NUS Joint Symposium on Nano-Biomedical Engineering in the East Asian-Pacific Rim Region, December 10-11, 2007, Singapore, pp. 111-114.
Murakoshi M, Kitsunai Y, Yoshida N, Iida K, Kumano S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Heat-stress actuated mechanism of the inner ear protecting it from traumatic noise exposure. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, November 5-11, 2007, Tokyo, Japan (J Biomech Sci Eng 2, Suppl.1), p. S135.
Kumano S, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Tsumoto K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Misfolding and mislocalization by mutations of the motor protein prestin. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, November 5-11, 2007, Tokyo, Japan (J Biomech Sci Eng 2, Suppl.1), p. S136.
Iida K, Tsumoto K, Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Ikeda K, Kobayashi T, Kumagai I, Wada H. Interaction of the inner ear motor protein prestin with chloride studied by isothermal titration calorimetry. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, November 5-11, 2007, Tokyo, Japan (J Biomech Sci Eng 2, Suppl.1), p. S137.
Murakoshi M, Kitsunai Y, Yoshida N, Iida K, Kumano S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Heat-stress actuated protective mechanism of the inner ear against noise-induced hearing loss. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress on Acoustics, September 2-7, 2007, Madrid, Spain, p. BIO-02-002.
Kumano S, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Improper membrane-targeting of prestin by mutations in the GTSRH sequence. Proceedings of the 6th Molecular Biology of Hearing & Deafness Conference, July 12-14, 2007, Hinxton, UK.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kitsunai Y, Iida K, Kumano S, Suzuki T, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Prevention of noise-induced hearing loss by cochlear mechanism actuated by heat stress. Proceedings of the Japan-China Conference on Acoustics, June 4-6, 2007, Sendai, Japan, p. P-2-38.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kitsunai Y, Iida K, Kumano S, Suzuki T, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Employment of cochlear mechanism actuated by stress to prevent noise-induced hearing loss. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Future Medical Engineering based on Bio-nanotechnology jointly organized with The 19th Bioengineering Conference, 2006 Annual Meeting of BED/JSME, January 7-9, 2007, Sendai, Japan, pp. 84-85.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kitsunai Y, Iida K, Kumano S, Suzuki T, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Employment of cochlear mechanism actuated by stress to prevent noise-induced hearing loss. Proceedings of the 2nd Tohoku-NUS Joint Symposium on the Future Nano-medicine and Bioengineering in the East Asian Region as the 8th International Symposium of Future Medical Engineering Based on Bio-nanotechnology, December 4-5, 2006, Singapore, pp. 72-75.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kitsunai Y, Iida K, Kumano S, Suzuki T, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Heat stress-induced changes in Young's modulus of outer hair cells in mice. Proceedings of the 2nd Shanghai International Conference on Physiological Biophysics-Audition and Vision, November 3-7, 2006, Shanghai, China, p. 83.
Wada H, Murakoshi M, Gomi T, Iida K, Kumano S, Tsumoto K, Kumagai I, Ikeda K, Kobayashi T. Imaging by atomic force microscopy of the motor protein prestin using prestin-transfected CHO cells. Proceedings of the 2nd Shanghai International Conference on Physiological Biophysics-Audition and Vision, November 3-7, 2006, Shanghai, China, p. 242.
Iida K, Tsumoto K, Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Ikeda K, Kobayashi T, Kumagai I, Wada H. Purification of the motor protein prestin and its interaction with chloride studied by isothermal titration calorimetry. Proceedings of the 2nd Shanghai International Conference on Physiological Biophysics-Audition and Vision, November 3-7, 2006, Shanghai, China, p. 240.
Kumano S, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Highly conserved GTSRH sequence required for the voltage-dependent charge transfer of the motor protein prestin. Proceedings of the 2nd Shanghai International Conference on Physiological Biophysics-Audition and Vision, November 3-7, 2006, Shanghai, China, p. 241.
Wada H, Murakoshi M, Gomi T. Topological characterization by atomic force microscopy of prestin. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 29th-August 4th, 2006, Munich, Germany (J Biomech 39, Suppl.1), p. S228.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kitsunai Y, Iida K, Kumano S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Heat stress-induced cochlear protection from acoustic injury. Proceedings of the 9th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference, June 26-28, 2006, Seoul, Korea, p. 168.
Murakoshi M, Kitsunai Y, Yoshida N, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Protection of outer hair cells from traumatic noise by prior whole-body heat stress. Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, November 23-25, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan, p. 14.
Murakoshi M, Gomi T, Iida K, Kumano S, Wada H. Atomic force microscopic analysis of prestin-transfected CHO cell plasma membranes. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Future Medical Engineering Based on Bio-nanotechnology, November 21, 2005, Sendai, Japan, pp. 56-57.
Murakoshi M, Kitsunai Y, Yoshida N, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Changes in structure and mechanical properties of mouse outer hair cells in response to whole-body heat stress. Proceedings of the Second Japan-Switzerland Workshop on Biomechanics, September 12-16, 2005, Kyoto, Japan, p. 100.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Iida K, Kumano S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Heat stress-induced changes in the mechanical properties of mouse outer hair cells. Proceedings of the 9th Mechanics of Hearing Workshop in Portland, July 23-28, 2005, Oregon, USA, pp. 437-438.
Murakoshi M, Gomi T, Wada H. Imaging of the cytoplasmic face of the prestin-expressing CHO cell membrane by atomic force microscopy. Proceedings of the 28th Annual MidWinter Research Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 19-24, 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, p. 614.
Murakoshi M, Koike T, Yuasa Y, Yuasa R, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Intraoperative measurement of ossicular mobility. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Audiology, September 26-30, 2004, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, p. 31.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kobayashi T, Wada, H. Mechanical properties of outer hair cell in heat-stressed mice -atomic force microscopy study-, N. I. Ivanov and M. J. Crocker (Eds.). Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 5-8, 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 3005-3012.
Domestic conference
Tobe K, Nanbu K, Uchida W, Kamide T, Nakata M, Murakoshi M. Development of a non-invasive intracranial pressure measurement method using a trans-auditory canal acoustic impedance meter (TAIM). Proceedings of the 35th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, December 14-15, 2024, Yokohama, 1F07, 4 pages.
Niioka H, Fukui Y, Murakoshi M. Structural and functional analysis of motor protein prestin using an artificial planar lipid membrane. Proceedings of the 35th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, December 14-15, 2024, Yokohama, 1A16, 4 pages.
Murakoshi M, Sugimoto H, Nakajima R. An attempt to diagnose conductive hearing loss by using a sweep frequency impedance (SFI) meter. Proceedings of the 69th Congress of Japan Audiological Society, October 23-25, 2024, Tokyo, 9, p. 328.
Murakoshi M, Sugimoto H. Analysis of dynamic characteristics of the middle ear in children. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Pediatric ORL, July 11-12, 2024, Ise, O-57, p. 121.
Toya T, Zhou D, Murakoshi M. Development of a test method for conductive hearing loss using short-duration sounds. Proceedings of the 36th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, May 11-12, 2024, Nagoya, 1G34, p. 93.
Fukui Y, Murakoshi M. Verification of the piezoelectric effect of the inner ear motor protein prestin. Proceedings of the 36th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, May 11-12, 2024, Nagoya, 2P11, p. 189.
Kitano K, Murakoshi M. Theoretical analysis of the effects of pressure changes in tympanic cavity on its dynamic characteristics. Proceedings of the 36th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, May 11-12, 2024, Nagoya, 1P48, p. 145.
Kishii H, Murakoshi M. Measurement of middle ear dynamic characteristics in normal ears using a small-sized SFI meter. Proceedings of the 36th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, May 11-12, 2024, Nagoya, 1P76, p. 172.
Zhou D, Toya T, Murakoshi M. Classification of middle ear dysfunctions by SVM. Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Japan 2024 Spring Meeting, March 6-8, 2024, Tokyo, 1-P-27.
Tobe K, Murakoshi M. Development of an auditory model for non-invasive intracranial pressure measurement based on middle ear dynamics. Proceedings of the 34th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, December 16-17, 2023, Ube, 1D09, 4 pages.
Sugimoto H, Toya T, Takei W, Nagai R, Murakoshi M, Yoshizaki T. Trial of infant hearing screening using the Titan tympanometer. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Pediatric ORL, November 9-10, 2023, Beppu, p. 209.
Murakoshi M. The Past and Future of Middle Ear Function Assessment Devices. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Otological Society, November1-4, 2023, Takasaki, PD3-3, p. 45.
Sugimoto H, Hasegawa H, Hatano M, Yoshizaki T, Murakoshi M. Development of a Simple Non-Invasive Diagnostic Apparatus for Ossicular Chain Abnormalities in the Middle Ear (Follow-up). Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Otological Society, November1-4, 2023, Takasaki, O30-5, 286.
Murakoshi M. Non-invasive hearing diagnosis, breaking through with dynamics and bioengineering. Yumenavi Live 2023 in Autumn, October 21-22, 2023, Online.
Murakoshi M. Social implementation of non-invasive hearing diagnosis with one team of medicine, engineering and social science. Frontier of fusion research between engineering and medicine, Kanazawa University Hospital, September 25, 2023.
Toya T, Nagai R, Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M. Improvement of middle ear impedance meter based on impulse response measurement principle. Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Japan 2023 Autumn Meeting, September 26-28, 2023, Nagoya, 1-R-12, pp. 877-878.
Motoo R, Donjo Y, Sugimoto H, Yoshizaki T, Murakoshi M. Development of CHO cell lines stably expressing prestin and its functional analysis. Proceedings of the 40th Proceedings of the 40th ENT Neuroscience Research Meeting, Otsu, Aug. 26, 2023.
Nakagawa H, Toya T, Nagai R, Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M. Sweep frequency impedance (SFI) measures in normal ear. Proceedings of the 35th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, June 3-4, 2023, Sendai, P312-2, p. 217.
Niioka H, Murakoshi M. Analysis of the motor protein prestin using planar lipid membranes. Proceedings of the 35th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, June 3-4, 2023, Sendai, P107-2, p. 165.
Toya T, Nakagawa H, Nagai R, Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M. Distribution of dynamic behavior of ossicles with separation and fixation based on sweep frequency impedance (SFI). Proceedings of the 35th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, June 3-4, 2023, Sendai, P313-2.
Miura K, Urasunai Y, Aoki Y, Murakoshi M, Hagiyama R, Hamanishi S. Proposal of impact reduction supporter for American football. Proceedings of the 35th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, June 3-4, 2023, Sendai, P202-2, p. 184.
Watanabe Y, Tamai S, Toya T, Nagai R, Takei W, Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M. An example of promotion of medical equipment development from science and engineering research seeds: New middle ear function measurement technology. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Clinical Trials and Research, February 9-10, 2023, 1 page.
Toya T, Mageshi A, Nakagawa H, Nagai R, Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M. Measurement of dynamic characteristics for several middle-ear conditions based on sweep frequency impedance (SFI). Proceedings of the 33rd JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, December 17-18, 2022, Kobe, 1C08, 4 pages.
Kokubo T, Nakagawa H, Toya T, Murakoshi M. Development of a new ear probe for sweep frequency impedance (SFI) meter. Proceedings of the 33rd JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, December 17-18, 2022, Kobe, 1C18, 4 pages.
Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M, Yoshizaki T. Development of a Non-invasive Diagnosis Device for Ossicular Abnormalities. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Otological Society, October 19-21, 2022, Yokohama, O1-2, p. 161.
Murakoshi M. Development of a diagnostic method for conductive hearing loss based on middle ear dynamics. Proceedings of the 67th Congress of Japan Audiological Society, October 5-7, 2022, Yamagata, 186, p. 501.
Murakoshi M. Mechanics of Hearing -From External Auditory Canal to Inner Ear Protein Prestin-. Sectional Committee Meeting and Seminar and Joint WG Meeting, Sectional Committee of Material, Hokuriku Future Co-creation Forum, September 30, 2022, Kanazawa.
Murakoshi M. Diagnostic device for conductive hearing loss applicable to neonates. JST New Technology Presentation Meetings, JST, August 18, 2022, Online.
Murakoshi M, Sugimoto H. Dynamic characteristics of the external and middle ears from neonates to infants and its application to diagnosis of conductive hearing loss. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Pediatric ORL, July 21-22, 2022, Toyama, O-1, p. 85.
Toya T, Mageshi A, Nakagawa H, Nagai R, Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M. Measurements of sweep frequency impedance (SFI) for patients with conductive hearing loss. Proceedings of the 34th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, June 25-26, 2022, Fukuoka, 2P5-06.
Mageshi A, Murakoshi M. Development of a non-invasive method for measuring intracranial pressure (ICP) based on dynamic characteristics of the middle ear. Proceedings of the 34th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, June 25-26, 2022, Fukuoka, 2P5-05.
Nakagawa H, Mageshi A, Toya T, Murakoshi M. Sweep frequency impedance (SFI) measurements on adults with normal middle ear function. Proceedings of the 34th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, June 25-26, 2022, Fukuoka, 2P5-07.
Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M, Yoshizaki T. Development of a Non-invasive Diagnosis Device for Ossicular Abnormalities. Proceedings of the 123rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, May 25-28, 2022, Kobe, 0-206.
Sugimoto H, Murakoshi M, Yoshizaki T. Development of a Non-invasive Diagnosis Device for Ossicular Abnormalities. Proceedings of the 123rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, May 25-28, 2022, Kobe, 0-206.
Mageshi A, Murakoshi M, Sugimoto H. Development of a non-invasive diagnosis device for conductive hearing loss. Proceedings of the 32nd JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, January 12-13, 2022, Online from Nagoya, 1A14.
Koike Y, Murakoshi M. Cytotoxicity and localization restoring effect for pendrin mutants of salicylate derivatives. Proceedings of the 32nd JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, January 12-13, 2022, Online from Nagoya, 1A11.
Murakoshi M, Mageshi A, Donjo Y, Sugimoto H. Development of simple noninvasive diagnostic equipment for conductive hearing loss. Proceedings of the 33rd Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, June 25-26, 2021, Online from Tokyo, 1S1-36, p. 64.
Koike Y, Murakoshi M. Development of an evaluation method for compounds recovering pendrin mutants causing hearing loss. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Conference of the JSMBE, June 15-17, 2021, Online from Kyoto, O2-8-1-5, p. 37.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Effects of abnormality of the inner-ear sensory cells on the cochlear amplification. Proceedings of the 32nd Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, December 20-21, 2019, Kanazawa, 2A22, 2 pages
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Numerical analysis of the effect of rotation of the outer hair cell stereocilia on the cochlear amplification. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Otological Society, October 10-12, 2019, Yamagata, O50-3, p. 514.
Kanka N, Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Development of a new diagnostic device, EarDoc, using tympanometry and SFI technique. Proceedings of the 30th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, July 19-20, 2019, Kirishima, 1B15, 3 pages.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Development of a method for recovering the localization anormaly caused by genetic mutation of an anion exchange protein pendrin in the inner ear. Proceedings of the 31st Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, December 14-15, 2018, Koriyama, 2F34, 2 pages.
Yoshida H, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Construction and evaluation of cell lines stably expressing the His-tagged prestin. Proceedings of the 31st Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, December 14-15, 2018, Koriyama, 2F26, 2 pages.
Yamada K, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Development of a wideband frequency impedance meter for neonatal hearing screening (NHS). Proceedings of the 31st Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, December 14-15, 2018, Koriyama, 1D41, 2 pages.
Honda F, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Analysis of the effects of the functional loss of outer hair cells on the dynamic behavior of the organ of Corti. Proceedings of the 31st Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, December 14-15, 2018, Koriyama, 1E34, 2 pages.
Shirai H, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Functional analysis of the motor protein prestin labeled with AviTag. Proceedings of the 31st Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, December 14-15, 2018, Koriyama, 2F16, 2 pages.
Hamanishi S, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Study on a probe for the diagnostic apparatus of the middle and inner ear using a finite-element method. Proceedings of the 31st Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, December 14-15, 2018, Koriyama, 2D15, 2 pages.
Honda F, Murakoshi M, Matsuzaki, K. Numerical analysis of effects of outer hair cell dysfunction on the dynamic behavior of the organ of Corti in the cochlea. Proceedings of the 29th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 24-25, 2018, Chiba, 2B11, 4 pages.
Yoshida H, Murakoshi M, Matsuzaki K. Restoration of localization of pendrin mutants causing sensorineural hearing loss by lasalocid sodium. Proceedings of the 29th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 24-25, 2018, Chiba, 2A15, 4 pages.
Murakoshi M. Que sera, sera (Whatever will be, will be). The 1st Shutsuran-kai Meeting, the 29th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 24-25, 2018, Chiba.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Analysis of the dynamic behavior of the external and middle ears in neonates from a few days to 6 months after birth. Proceedings of the 63rd Congress of Japan Audiological Society, October 17-19, 2018, Kobe, 196, p. 497.
Murakoshi M. Cochlear amplifier: past, present and future. The 66th Seminar on Audiological Physiology, Japan Audiological Society, October 18, 2018, Kobe.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Restoration of proper delivery to the cell membrane for pendrin mutants by salicylate derivatives.Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Otological Society, July 3-6, 2018, Osaka, O-161, p. 433.
Yonekura K, Matsuzaki K, Iiyama H, Murakoshi M. Numerical analysis for passive dynamic biped walking taking into accout motion in coronal plane. Proceedings of the Dynamics and Design Conference 2018, August 8-31, Tokyo.
Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Development of a hearing screening system for newborns. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Conference of the JSMBE, June 19-21, 2018, Sapporo, O2-7-3-3, p. 315.
Murakoshi M. Recent studies on auditory periphery: from external ear canal to prestin, from adults to neonates. The 5th Kyushu-Okinawa Workshop for Assistance of Hearing Impaired People, Audiology and Hearing Implant Center, Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Miyazaki, March 25-26, 2018, Miyazaki.
Murakoshi M. Recent studies on evaluation of auditory function for neonates. Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Japan 2018 Spring Meeting, March 13-15, 2018, Saitama, 1-11-3, pp. 1479-1480.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Development of CHO expression systems of recombinant inner-ear motor proteins having different affinity tags. Proceedings of the 30th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, December 14-15, 2017, Kyoto, 2B13, p. 242.
Kanka N, Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Changes of dynamic characteristics in the neonatal external ear canal wall from birth to 6 months. Proceedings of the 30th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, December 14-15, 2017, Kyoto, 1B18, p. 84.
Murakoshi M. Hearing mechanism and its measurement and control. SICE Kyushu Forum 2017, November 24, 2017, Kagoshima, pp. 8-13.
Matsuno K, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Establishment of CHO cells expressing Avi-tagged prestin and selection of high expressing lines by flow cytometry. Proceedings of the 28th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 27-29, 2017, Tokushima, 2A12, 4 pages.
Chaen T, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Restoration of localization pendrin mutants causing sensorineural hearing loss by salicylate derivatives. Proceedings of the 28th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 27-29, 2017, Tokushima, 2A11, 4 pages.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Construction of a mammalian cell line stably expressing the inner-ear motor protein prestin. Proceedings of the 62nd Congress of Japan Audiological Society, October 18-20, 2017, Fukuoka, 19, p. 278.
Namikawa R, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Numerical analysis of the changes in the dynamic behavior of the organ of Corti caused by the cochlear outer hair cell injury due to traumatic stimuli. Proceedings of the 48th Bachelor Thesis Presentations by the Student Members of the Kyushu Branch of the JSME, March 3, 2017, Naha, 245, pp. 1-2.
Katsuda R, Murakoshi M, Matsuzaki K, Wada H. Construction of an expression system of the His-tagged prestin using Chinese hamster ovary cells. Proceedings of the 29th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 19-20, 2017, Nagoya, 2A35.
Murakoshi M. Engineering consideration of hearing and its application. Proceedings of the 3rd Research Meeting 2016 of the Electronics Division, The Kinki Chemical Society Japan, January 16, 2017, Osaka, pp. 1-10.
Murakoshi M. Mechanical understanding of biomembrane molecules and its application to nanobiodevice innovation. Proceedings of the 6th CSJ Chemistry Festa, November 14-16, 2016, Tokyo, B3-09.
Chaen T, Murakoshi M, Matsuzaki K, Wada H. Restoration by salicylate derivatives of localization and function of a pendrin mutant. Proceedings of the 27th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 22-23, 2016, Sapporo, B104, pp. 9-10.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Mechanism of hearing loss caused by the loss of outer hair cells –FEM analysis–. Proceedings of the 61st Congress of Japan Audiological Society, October 19-21, Morioka, Iwate, 177, pp. 605-606.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Coordinating movement of outer hair cells and cochlear amplification. Proceedings of the 11th ERA/OAE Research Meeting of the Japan Audiological Society, July 10, Tokyo, 7, p. 11.
Wada H, Matsutani S, Kobayashi T, Kiyokawa H, Kakuta R, Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Aithal V, Kei J. Analysis of the middle-ear dynamics of neonates -Study by using the sweep frequency impedance (SFI) meter-. Proceedings of the 11th ERA/OAE Research Meeting of the Japan Audiological Society, July 10, Tokyo, 8, p. 12.
Tanaka G, Hong C, Asako Y, Katanoda H, Fukuhara M, Murakoshi M. Effect of surface roughness on friction factor of gas flow in micro-tubes. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Meeting of the Kyushu Branch of the JSME, March 15, 2016, Kumamoto, E-08.
Kawano T, Hong C, Asako Y, Katanoda H, Fukuhara M, Murakoshi M. Semi-local friction factors of gaseous flow through glass micro-tube. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Meeting of the Kyushu Branch of the JSME, March 15, 2016, Kumamoto, E-07.
Iiyama H, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Study on dynamic biped walking by expansion of legs. Proceedings of the 47th Bachelor Thesis Presentations by the Student Members of the Kyushu Branch of the JSME, March 4, 2016, Kagoshima, C44.
Chaen T, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Development of mammalian cell expressing pendrin mutants and its rescue. Proceedings of the 47th Bachelor Thesis Presentations by the Student Members of the Kyushu Branch of the JSME, March 4, 2016, Kagoshima, C35.
Matsuno K, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Construct of a cell line stably expressing Avi-tagged prestin. Proceedings of the 47th Bachelor Thesis Presentations by the Student Members of the Kyushu Branch of the JSME, March 4, 2016, Kagoshima, C34.
Murakoshi M. Mechanical understanding of biomembrane molecules and its application to nanobiodevice innovation. Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan, March 24-27, 2016, Kyoto, 1S8-13.
Murakoshi M, Kai K, Wada H. Development of a mammalian cell expression system of the motor protein prestin expressing in the inner ear. Proceedings of the 28th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 9-10, 2016, Tokyo, 1C22, pp. 1-4.
Hamanishi S, Murakoshi M, Steele C, Puria S, Wada H. Effects of maturation on dynamic behavior of ear canal wall and middle ear in neonates. Proceedings of the 28th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 9-10, 2016, Tokyo, 1F44, pp.1-5.
Kai K, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Construction of a mammalian vector for high expression of the motor protein prestin. Proceedings of the 26th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 2-3, 2014, Fukuoka, B111, pp. 45-46.
Kawahara A, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Construction of a stable expression system of the motor protein prestin labled with FLAG tag and its purification. Proceedings of the 26th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 2-3, 2014, Fukuoka, B112, pp. 47-48.
Katsuda R, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Construction of an expression vector of His-tagged prestin. Proceedings of the 26th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 2-3, 2014, Fukuoka, B110, pp. 43-44.
Kanka N, Murakoshi M, Matsuzaki K, Wada H. Analysis of tympanogram in neonates. Proceedings of the 26th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 2-3, 2014, Fukuoka, A109, pp. 17-18.
Keoroshi D, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Development of a diagnostic apparatus using a probe tone of the sweeping sinusoidal frequency for hearing in neonates. Proceedings of the 26th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 2-3, 2014, Fukuoka, C201, pp. 131-132.
Imamura S, Matsuzaki K, Murakoshi M. Dynamic biped walking by expansion and contraction of legs. Proceedings of the Dynamics and Design Conference 2015, August 25-28, Hirosaki, 160.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Analysis of the dynamic behavior of the auditory system in newborns focused on the external ear-canal deformation.Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference of the JSMBE, May 7-9, 2015, Nagoya, p. 277.
Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Wada H. Analysis of middle ear diagnostic tympanometry in neonates. Proceedings of the 27th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 9-10, 2015, Niigata, 2E22, pp. 491-492.
Hamanishi S, Murakoshi M, Steele C, Puria S, Wada H. Analysis of dynamic behavior of neonatal ear canal and middle ear using a finite-element method. Proceedings of the 27th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 9-10, 2015, Niigata, 2E21, pp. 489-490.
Kawahara A, Katsuda R, Murakoshi M. Construction of an expression system of the motor protein prestin labeled with affinity tags. Proceedings of the 25th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 3-4, 2014, Tottori, B109, pp45-46.
Murakoshi M. Development of a real-time simulator of the human auditory system for next-generation hearing aid system. Proceedings of the 2014 JSPE Autumn Meeting, September 16, 2014, Tottori, p. 41.
Murakoshi M, Kakuta R, Matsutani S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Chronological changes in dynamic behavior of the hearing system in newborns. Proceedings of the 26th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 11-12, 2014, Sendai, 2D12, pp. 391-392.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Dynamic behavior of the external and middle ears in neonates. Proceedings of the Kagoshima Meeting of the Kyusyu Branch of the JSME, September 27-28, 2014, Kagoshima, 1H3, pp. 237-238.
Ogawa Y, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Development of a planar patch clamp system for measuring electrophysiological properties of a membrane protein prestin expressed in the inner ear. Proceedings of the 25th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 9-11, 2013, Tsukuba, 3D11, pp. 571-572.
Koyama S, Sato H, Murakoshi M, Kobayashi T, Usami S, Ikeda K, Haga Y, Tsumoto K, Nakamura H, Hirasawa N, Ishihara K, Wada H. Search for drugs to promote restoration of a pendrin mutant causing hereditary hearing loss. Proceedings of the 25th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 9-11, 2013, Tsukuba, 3D12, pp. 573-574.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Ogawa Y, Kiyokawa H, Kakuta R, Yamada M, Takahashi R, Tanigawara S, Matsutani S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Analysis by using the sweep frequency impedance (SFI) meter of dynamic behavior of hearing system in newborns. Proceedings of the 25th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 9-11, 2013, Tsukuba, 2B02, pp. 275-276.
Sato H, Koyama S, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Restoration by salicylate derivatives of localization of a pendrin mutant causing hereditary hearing loss. Proceedings of the 23rd JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 5-6, 2012, Hirosaki, pp. 53-54.
Takeda S, Murakoshi M, Biwa T, Wada H. Analysis of dynamic behavior of the external ear canal in neonates —theoretical considerations—. Proceedings of the 23rd JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 5-6, 2012, Hirosaki, pp. 59-60.
Murakoshi M, Kitsunai Y, Suzuki T, Yoshida N, Kobayashi T, Wada H.Conditioning-related protection of sensory cells from acoustic injury.Proceedings of the Biofrontier Symposium 2012 of the JSME, October 5-6, 2012, Hirosaki, p. 5.
Chikada Y, Suda S, Matsunaga T, Koyama S, Murakoshi M, Wada H, Haga Y. Development of a ultrasonic driven self-contained micropump system. Proceedings of the Japan Biomedical Engineering Symposium (JBMES) 2012 of the JSMBE, September 7-8, 2012, Osaka, pp. 82-86.
Yoshida N, Kiyokawa H, Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Matsutani S, Kei J, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the middle ear in neonates. Proceedings of the 24th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 7-8, 2012, Osaka, 7E45, CD-ROM p. 2.
Ikehara Y, Koyama S, Murakoshi M, Ikeda R, Nakaya K, Hashimoto S, Nishio S, Takumi Y, Oshima T, Usami S, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Effects of salicylate on the auditory system in a knock-in mouse model for H723R mutation in Pendrin. Proceedings of the 24th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 7-8, 2012, 8H12, CD-ROM p. 2.
Ikehara Y, Koyama S, Murakoshi M, Usami S, Kobayashi T, Hashimoto S, Nishio S, Takumi Y, Ikeda R, Nakaya K, Oshima T, Wada H. Effects of salicylate on the auditory system in C57BL/6 mice. Proceedings of the 22nd JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 7-8, 2011, Tsu, B205, pp. 135-136.
Yoshida N, Kiyokawa H, Murakoshi M, Hamanishi S, Matsutani S, Kei J, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Analysis of middle-ear dynamic characteristics in neonates using a sweep frequency impedance (SFI) meter. Proceedings of the 22nd JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 7-8, 2011, Tsu, B201, pp. 127-128.
Sakai N, Koyama S, Murakoshi M, Hirasawa N, Nakamura H, Ishihara K, Wada H. Transport of pendrin mutant causing sensorineural hearing loss to plasma membrane by salicylate derivatives. Proceedings of the 22nd JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, October 7-8, 2011, Tsu, B217, pp. 111-112.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Atomic force microscopic analysis of membrane topology of the inner ear motor protein prestin.Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of the JSMBE, April 29-May 2, 2011, Tokyo, p. 207.
Nomura Y, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Measurement of nanomechanical motion of the cell expressing the motor protein prestin using an atomic force microscope. Proceedings of the 41st Bachelor Thesis Presentations by the Student Members of the Tohoku Branch of the JSME, March 3, 2011, Morioka, 305, pp. 56-57.
Murakoshi M, Kawase T, Wada H. Analysis of transmembrane structure of the inner ear motor protein prestin-atomic force microscopy study-. Proceedings of the 23rd Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 8-9, 2011, Kumamoto, No. 9J-08, pp. 283-284.
Koyama S, Murakoshi M, Sakurai T, Miyakoshi J, Wada H. ELF magnetic fields enhance chemically induced formation of apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites in A172 cells. Proceedings of the 23rd Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 8-9, 2011, Kumamoto, pp. 489-490.
Suzuki S, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Importance of outer hair cell coordinating movement for cochlear amplification. Proceedings of the 23rd Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 8-9, 2011, Kumamoto, pp. 497-498.
Kawase T, Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Hamana H, Wada H. Analysis by single molecule force spectroscopy of the transmembrane structure of prestin. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Tohoku Branch of the JSME, March 12, 2010, Sendai, pp. 182-183.
Kumano S, Murakoshi M, Hamana H, Wada H. Structural Analysis by Atomic Force Microscopy of the Motor Protein Prestin Reconstituted into an Artificial Lipid Bilayer. Proceedings of the 22nd Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 9-10, 2010, Okayama, p. 95.
Suzuki S, Murakoshi M, Wada H. Importance of the Three Rows of Outer Hair Cells for Cochlear Amplification. Proceedings of the 22nd Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 9-10, 2010, Okayama, p. 96.
Seshimo N, Hamanishi S, Murakoshi M, Mazlan R, Kei J, Wada H. Comparative Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the middle ear between neonates and adults using a sweep frequency impedance meter. Proceedings of the 22nd Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 9-10, 2010, Okayama, p. 125.
Muakoshi M, Hamana H, Kumano S, Wada H. Visualization by atomic force microscopy of the inner ear motor protein prestin using Qdot. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Tohoku Branch of the JSMBE, November 21, 2009, Fukushima, B2-1, p. 25.
Kumano S, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Site-directed mutagenesis of unique amino acids in the motor protein prestin. Proceedings of the JSME Annual Meeting 2008, August 3-7, 2008, Kanagawa, pp. 269-270.
Kumano S, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Correction of the activity of prestin mutants by addition of salicylate. Proceedings of the 20th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 25-26, 2008, Tokyo, pp. 87-88.
Murakoshi M, Iida K, Kumano S, Wada H. Imaging by Atomic Force Microscopy of the Motor Protein Prestin Labeled with Quantum Dots. Proceedings of the 20th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 25-26, 2008, Tokyo, pp. 83-84.
Tadenuma T, Iida K, Murakoshi M, Kumano S, Tsumoto K, Ikeda K, Kumagai I, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Expression of functional prestin, the outer hair cell motor protein, using the baculovirus expression. Proceedings of the 20th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 25-26, 2008, Tokyo, pp. 85-86.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kitsunai Y, Iida K, Kumano S, Suzuki T, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Protective mechanism of the inner ear from traumatic noise exposure actuated by heat stress. IEICE technical report, 2007, EA2007-49, pp. 19-24.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kitsunai Y, Iida K, Kumano S, Suzuki T, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Heat stress-induced protection of outer hair cells from traumatic noise exposure. Proceedings of the 19th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 7-8, 2007, Sendai, pp. 44-45.
Murakoshi M, He DZZ, Iida K, Kumano S, Wada H. Atomic force microscopic observation of the conformational changes in the voltage-dependent motor protein prestin. Proceedings of the 18th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 13-14, 2006, Niigata, pp. 25-26.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Mechanical property change in outer hair cells caused by whole-body heat stress in mice. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Biorheology, July 7-8, 2005, Sendai, p. 54.
Murakoshi M, Wada H. Observation of the plasma membrane of the CHO cells expressing the motor protein prestin by atomic force microscopy. Proceedings of the 17th Bioengineering Conference of the JSME, January 22-23, 2005, Nagoya, pp. 27-28.
Murakoshi M, Yoshida N, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Effects of heat stress on the mechanical properties of outer hair cells in mice. Proceedings of the 15th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, November 6-7, 2004, Ube, pp. 7-8.
Murakoshi M, Koike T, Yuasa Y, Yuasa R, Kobayashi T, Wada H. Development of an apparatus for diagnosis of ossicular chain mobility in humans. Proceedings of the 14th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, September 18-19, 2003, Zao, pp. 147-148.